closeSAGE program
cargo program
the Starbase player
the key authorized to run this instruction
recipient of the rent refund
the profile with the required permissions for the instruction
the profile's faction
the Starbase
the cargo pod - owned by starbasePlayer
the cargo type
the cargo stats definition
the token account - owned by the cargoPod
the token mint
the SAGE game id
the game state account
the instruction input params
createCreates a new cargo pod for the player at the Starbase
SAGE program
cargo program
the Starbase player
the key authorized to run this instruction
the profile with the required permissions for the instruction
the profile's faction
the Starbase
the cargo stats definition
the SAGE game id
the game state account
the instruction input params
depositDeposits cargo to the game
SAGE program
cargo program
the Starbase player
the key authorized to run this instruction
the profile with the required permissions for the instruction
the profile's faction
the Starbase
the cargo pod
the cargo type
the cargo stats definition
the source token account - owned by the key
the destination token account - owned by the cargoPod
the SAGE game id
the game state account
the instruction input params
findFind the StarbasePlayer account address
The PDA and bump respectively
SAGE program
the Starbase
the SAGE player profile
the Starbase sequence id
registerRegister a StarbasePlayer
SAGE program
the faction of profile associated with the sagePlayerProfile
the SAGE player profile
the Starbase
the SAGE game id
the game state
the Starbase sequence id
removeCloses an empty cargo pod account owned by the player at a Starbase
SAGE program
cargo program
the Starbase player
the key authorized to run this instruction
the profile with the required permissions for the instruction
the profile's faction
recipient of the rent refund
the Starbase
the cargo pod
the SAGE game id
the game state account
the instruction input params
syncSync the Starbase player account
SAGE program
the Starbase player
the Starbase tied to the starbasePlayer
the SAGE game id
the game state account
transferTransfers cargo from one pod to another at the same Starbase
owned by the same player
SAGE program
cargo program
the Starbase player
the key authorized to run this instruction
recipient of the rent refund
the profile with the required permissions for the instruction
the profile's faction
the Starbase
the source cargo pod
the destination cargo pod
the cargo type
the cargo stats definition
the source token account - owned by the cargoPodFrom
the destination token account - owned by the cargoPodTo
the token mint
the SAGE game id
the game state account
the instruction input params
withdrawWithdraws cargo from the game
SAGE program
cargo program
the Starbase player
the key authorized to run this instruction
recipient of the rent refund
the profile with the required permissions for the instruction
the profile's faction
the Starbase
the cargo pod
the cargo type
the cargo stats definition
the source token account - owned by the cargoPod
the destination token account - owned by the key
the token mint
the SAGE game id
the game state account
the instruction input params
Generated using TypeDoc
Closes a token account that is owned by the StarbasePlayer (burns any token balance)