• Executes an exchange




    • program: GalacticMarketplaceIDLProgram

      GalacticMarketplace Program

    • orderAccount: Order

      the order account

    • orderTaker: AsyncSigner<unknown>

      the order take

    • purchaseQty: number

      the purchase quantity in base units

    • expectedPrice: BN

      the expected price in base units

    • initializerDepositTokenAccount: PublicKey

      the initializer deposit token account

    • initializerReceiveTokenAccount: PublicKey

      the initializer receiving token account

    • orderTakerDepositTokenAccount: PublicKey

      the order taker deposit token account

    • orderTakerReceiveTokenAccount: PublicKey

      the order taker receiving token account

    • saVault: PublicKey

      Star Atlas vault account - must match account in registered currency

    • stakingProgramId: PublicKey

      the ATLAS staking program

    • registeredStake: PublicKey

      Atlas RegisteredStake Account

    • stakingAccount: PublicKey

      User's Atlas staking account

    • extraAccounts: AccountMeta[] = []

      Extra accounts, used for buddy link

    Returns InstructionReturn

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