Type alias CraftingIDL

CraftingIDL: {
    accounts: [{
        docs: ["This PDA represents a token registered as an item that can be crafted"];
        name: "craftableItem";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the mint representing the items crafted"];
                name: "mint";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the name of this account"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["bump for PDA"];
                name: "bump";
                type: "u8";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["This PDA represents a mine item existing at a particular location (e.g. a planet)"];
        name: "craftingFacility";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the location's pubkey"];
                name: "location";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the location type"];
                name: "locationType";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the max. number of concurrent crafting processes that can be handled by this facility", "if 0 then there is no max"];
                name: "maxConcurrentProcesses";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the current number of concurrent crafting processes"];
                name: "numConcurrentProcesses";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the efficiency rate for this crafting_facility (as basis points)"];
                name: "efficiency";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["number of recipe categories"];
                name: "numRecipeCategories";
                type: "u32";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["This account represents crafting in progress"];
        name: "craftingProcess";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the crafting id"];
                name: "craftingId";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the owner/authority of this crafting process"];
                name: "authority";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe"];
                name: "recipe";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the crafting facility"];
                name: "craftingFacility";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["used to check if expected inputs have been supplied"];
                name: "inputsChecksum";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 16];
            }, {
                docs: ["used to check if expected outputs have been claimed"];
                name: "outputsChecksum";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 16];
            }, {
                docs: ["Quantity of outputs to craft"];
                name: "quantity";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The status of this crafting process"];
                name: "status";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the start timestamp"];
                name: "startTime";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the end timestamp"];
                name: "endTime";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Whether or not to deny permission-less claiming. True when > 0"];
                name: "denyPermissionlessClaiming";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["bump for PDA"];
                name: "bump";
                type: "u8";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["This account allows for a crafting \"domain\" which allows an admin to set up", "craftable items, recipes and crafting facilities tied to a domain that the control"];
        name: "domain";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The [`Profile`] that handles the crafting program permissions"];
                name: "profile";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["The definition of a recipe."];
        name: "recipe";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["The Recipe Category"];
                name: "category";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["The time required to craft this Recipe."];
                name: "duration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The minimum time required to craft this Recipe."];
                name: "minDuration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The name of this recipe."];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of consumable inputs in this recipe."];
                name: "consumablesCount";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of non-consumable inputs in this recipe."];
                name: "nonConsumablesCount";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of outputs from this recipe."];
                name: "outputsCount";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of all inputs and outputs in this recipe."];
                name: "totalCount";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["The status of the recipe"];
                name: "status";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The amount to charge when this recipe is used"];
                name: "feeAmount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The token account that receives the `fee_amount`. If [`None`] the recipe requires no fees when used."];
                name: "feeRecipient";
                type: {
                    defined: "OptionalNonSystemPubkey";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["A Crafting Recipe Category account"];
        name: "recipeCategory";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of recipes in this category."];
                name: "recipeCount";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the name of this account"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            kind: "struct";
    errors: [{
        code: 6000;
        msg: "Incorrect profile address.";
        name: "IncorrectProfileAddress";
    }, {
        code: 6001;
        msg: "The authority is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectAuthority";
    }, {
        code: 6002;
        msg: "Numeric overflow";
        name: "NumericOverflow";
    }, {
        code: 6003;
        msg: "The mint authority should exist.";
        name: "MintAuthorityIsNone";
    }, {
        code: 6004;
        msg: "Admin wallet is not the mint authority of the entered token.";
        name: "AdminNotMintAuthority";
    }, {
        code: 6005;
        msg: "Incorrect mint address entered.";
        name: "IncorrectMintAddress";
    }, {
        code: 6006;
        msg: "The provided location type is not supported.";
        name: "LocationTypeNotSupported";
    }, {
        code: 6007;
        msg: "The location is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectLocation";
    }, {
        code: 6008;
        msg: "The domain is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectDomain";
    }, {
        code: 6009;
        msg: "The recipe is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectRecipe";
    }, {
        code: 6010;
        msg: "The recipe category is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        code: 6011;
        msg: "The crafting facility is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        code: 6012;
        msg: "The crafting facility capacity has been exceeded.";
        name: "OverCraftingFacilityCapacity";
    }, {
        code: 6013;
        msg: "The amount is insufficient.";
        name: "InsufficientAmount";
    }, {
        code: 6014;
        msg: "An amount greater than 0 must be provided.";
        name: "AmountRequired";
    }, {
        code: 6015;
        msg: "The amount is more than what is required.";
        name: "AmountTooMuch";
    }, {
        code: 6016;
        msg: "The input has already been supplied.";
        name: "InputAlreadySupplied";
    }, {
        code: 6017;
        msg: "The input has NOT been supplied.";
        name: "InputNotSupplied";
    }, {
        code: 6018;
        msg: "The output has already been claimed.";
        name: "OutputAlreadyClaimed";
    }, {
        code: 6019;
        msg: "The crafting process has already started.";
        name: "CraftingProcessAlreadyStarted";
    }, {
        code: 6020;
        msg: "The crafting process has not started.";
        name: "CraftingProcessNotStarted";
    }, {
        code: 6021;
        msg: "The crafting process has not completed.";
        name: "CraftingProcessNotCompleted";
    }, {
        code: 6022;
        msg: "The ingredient is not an input.";
        name: "IngredientNotAnInput";
    }, {
        code: 6023;
        msg: "The ingredient is not a consumable input.";
        name: "IngredientNotAConsumableInput";
    }, {
        code: 6024;
        msg: "The ingredient is not a non-consumable input.";
        name: "IngredientNotANonConsumableInput";
    }, {
        code: 6025;
        msg: "The ingredient is not an output.";
        name: "IngredientNotAnOutput";
    }, {
        code: 6026;
        msg: "The inputs checksum is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectInputsChecksum";
    }, {
        code: 6027;
        msg: "The outputs checksum is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectOutputsChecksum";
    }, {
        code: 6028;
        msg: "The recipe count is not zero.";
        name: "RecipeCountNotZero";
    }, {
        code: 6029;
        msg: "The recipe category count is not zero.";
        name: "RecipeCategoryCountNotZero";
    }, {
        code: 6030;
        msg: "The concurrent process count is not zero.";
        name: "ConcurrentProcessCountNotZero";
    }, {
        code: 6031;
        msg: "Key index out of bounds.";
        name: "KeyIndexOutOfBounds";
    }, {
        code: 6032;
        msg: "Duration is invalid.";
        name: "InvalidDuration";
    }, {
        code: 6033;
        msg: "Missing required signature.";
        name: "MissingRequiredSignature";
    }, {
        code: 6034;
        msg: "ATA address does not match";
        name: "AddressMismatchATA";
    }, {
        code: 6035;
        msg: "Cannot Update Deactivated Recipe";
        name: "CannotUpdateDeactivatedRecipe";
    }, {
        code: 6036;
        msg: "Invalid Recipe Status";
        name: "InvalidRecipeStatus";
    }, {
        code: 6037;
        msg: "Crafting Facility Efficiency Is Zero";
        name: "EfficiencyIsZero";
    }, {
        code: 6038;
        msg: "Address Mismatch";
        name: "AddressMismatch";
    instructions: [{
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Mint Account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RecipeIngredients";
        name: "addConsumableInputToRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`RecipeCategory`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "addCraftingFacilityRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Cargo Type Account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RecipeIngredients";
        name: "addNonConsumableInputToRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Craftable Item that the output represents"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RecipeIngredients";
        name: "addOutputToRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["The recipe ingredient token account."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "AddRecipeIngredientInput";
        name: "addRecipeIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the consumable recipe ingredient"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "BurnConsumableIngredientInput";
        name: "burnConsumableIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        args: [];
        name: "cancelCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The owner/authority of crafting_process account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account to receive the non-consumable ingredient."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the recipe ingredient"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "ClaimNonConsumableIngredientInput";
        name: "claimNonConsumableIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The owner/authority of crafting_process account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by `craftable_item`."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The recipe ingredient token account."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The craftable_item (this is also the mint authority)"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "ClaimRecipeOutputInput";
        name: "claimRecipeOutput";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        args: [];
        name: "closeCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The owner/authority for the new crafting_process account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "CreateCraftingProcessInput";
        name: "createCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "deregisterCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] to de-register"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "deregisterRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "deregisterRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Craftable Item account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [omain account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The craftable item token bank to drain"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["Where to send tokens from the bank"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "drainCraftableItemBank";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "signer";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Profile`] that handles the crafting program permissions"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "namespace";
            type: {
                array: ["u8", 32];
        name: "initializeDomain";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "LegitimizeRecipeIngredientInput";
        name: "legitimizeRecipeIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the Craftable Item to be registered"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Craftable Item to be registered"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterCraftableItemInput";
        name: "registerCraftableItem";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Location address"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterCraftingFacilityInput";
        name: "registerCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterRecipeInput";
        name: "registerRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterRecipeCategoryInput";
        name: "registerRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        name: "removeConsumableInputFromRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The recipe category to remove."];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveCraftingFacilityRecipeCategoryInput";
        name: "removeCraftingFacilityRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        name: "removeNonConsumableInputFromRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        name: "removeOutputFromRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account that receives the recipe ingredient."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the recipe ingredient"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Token`] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredientInput";
        name: "removeRecipeIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        args: [{
            name: "recipeDurationOverride";
            type: {
                option: "u64";
        name: "startCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "UpdateCraftingFacilityInput";
        name: "updateCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The new crafting permissions profile"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "newProfile";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "updateDomain";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] to update"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "UpdateRecipeInput";
        name: "updateRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] to update"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The old [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategoryOld";
        }, {
            docs: ["The new [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategoryNew";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "updateRecipeCategory";
    name: "crafting";
    types: [{
        docs: ["Struct for data input to add an ingredient"];
        name: "AddRecipeIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the amount of ingredient to deposit"];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to burn a consumable ingredient"];
        name: "BurnConsumableIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the consumable recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to claim a non-consumable ingredient"];
        name: "ClaimNonConsumableIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to claim an output"];
        name: "ClaimRecipeOutputInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the recipe output"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to create a `CraftingProcess`"];
        name: "CreateCraftingProcessInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["crafting id"];
                name: "craftingId";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe's category"];
                name: "recipeCategoryIndex";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["quantity of outputs to craft"];
                name: "quantity";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Whether or not to deny permission-less claiming. True when > 0"];
                name: "denyPermissionlessClaiming";
                type: "bool";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input for that has `key_index`"];
        name: "KeyIndexInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to legitimize an ingredient"];
        name: "LegitimizeRecipeIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the amount of ingredient to deposit"];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Represents different types of locations that a `CraftingFacility` might be found"];
        name: "LocationType";
        type: {
            kind: "enum";
            variants: [{
                name: "Starbase";
    }, {
        docs: ["A pubkey sized option that is none if set to the system program."];
        name: "OptionalNonSystemPubkey";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                name: "key";
                type: "publicKey";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["The `CraftingProcess` `status`"];
        name: "ProcessStatus";
        type: {
            kind: "enum";
            variants: [{
                name: "Initialized";
            }, {
                name: "Started";
    }, {
        docs: ["A copy of the [`RecipeInputsOutputs`] struct --> to be used as inputs into the program, avoiding using Borsch Serialization with Zero Copy serialization"];
        name: "RecipeIngredients";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["Amount of Input/Output required/produced."];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Mint pubkey of the Input/Output."];
                name: "mint";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["The [`RecipeInputsOutputs`] struct."];
        name: "RecipeInputsOutputs";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["Amount of Input/Output required/produced."];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Mint pubkey of the Input/Output."];
                name: "mint";
                type: "publicKey";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Represents the `Recipe` status"];
        name: "RecipeStatus";
        type: {
            kind: "enum";
            variants: [{
                name: "Initializing";
            }, {
                name: "Active";
            }, {
                name: "Deactivated";
    }, {
        docs: ["used as input struct when registering a `CraftableItem`"];
        name: "RegisterCraftableItemInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the `CraftableItem` namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to Register a `CraftingFacility`"];
        name: "RegisterCraftingFacilityInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["`CraftingFacility` location type"];
                name: "locationType";
                type: {
                    defined: "LocationType";
            }, {
                docs: ["`CraftingFacility` efficiency"];
                name: "efficiency";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the max. number of concurrent crafting processes that can be handled by this facility", "if 0 then there is no max"];
                name: "maxConcurrentProcesses";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input for `RegisterRecipeCategory`"];
        name: "RegisterRecipeCategoryInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the `RecipeCategory` namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["used as input struct when registering a Recipe"];
        name: "RegisterRecipeInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the recipe duration (seconds)"];
                name: "duration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe minimum duration (seconds)"];
                name: "minDuration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe fee amount"];
                name: "feeAmount";
                type: {
                    option: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input for removing a [`CraftingFacility`] `RecipeCategory`"];
        name: "RemoveCraftingFacilityRecipeCategoryInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the `RecipeCategory` in the [`CraftingFacility`]"];
                name: "recipeCategoryIndex";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to remove an ingredient"];
        name: "RemoveRecipeIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the amount of ingredient to withdraw/remove"];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["used as input struct when removing recipe ingredients"];
        name: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to Update `CraftingFacility`"];
        name: "UpdateCraftingFacilityInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["`CraftingFacility` efficiency"];
                name: "efficiency";
                type: {
                    option: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the max. number of concurrent crafting processes that can be handled by this facility", "if 0 then there is no max"];
                name: "maxConcurrentProcesses";
                type: {
                    option: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to Update `Recipe`"];
        name: "UpdateRecipeInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["`Recipe` duration"];
                name: "duration";
                type: {
                    option: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["`Recipe` minimum duration"];
                name: "minDuration";
                type: {
                    option: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["`Recipe` fee amount"];
                name: "feeAmount";
                type: {
                    option: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["`Recipe` status"];
                name: "status";
                type: {
                    option: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Wrapped recipe category", "We are wrapping this around Pubkey so that we can use Anchor's coder to decode it"];
        name: "WrappedRecipeCategory";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The recipe category public key"];
                name: "id";
                type: "publicKey";
            kind: "struct";
    version: "0.1.0";

Type declaration

  • accounts: [{
        docs: ["This PDA represents a token registered as an item that can be crafted"];
        name: "craftableItem";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the mint representing the items crafted"];
                name: "mint";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the name of this account"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["bump for PDA"];
                name: "bump";
                type: "u8";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["This PDA represents a mine item existing at a particular location (e.g. a planet)"];
        name: "craftingFacility";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the location's pubkey"];
                name: "location";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the location type"];
                name: "locationType";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the max. number of concurrent crafting processes that can be handled by this facility", "if 0 then there is no max"];
                name: "maxConcurrentProcesses";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the current number of concurrent crafting processes"];
                name: "numConcurrentProcesses";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the efficiency rate for this crafting_facility (as basis points)"];
                name: "efficiency";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["number of recipe categories"];
                name: "numRecipeCategories";
                type: "u32";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["This account represents crafting in progress"];
        name: "craftingProcess";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the crafting id"];
                name: "craftingId";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the owner/authority of this crafting process"];
                name: "authority";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe"];
                name: "recipe";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the crafting facility"];
                name: "craftingFacility";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["used to check if expected inputs have been supplied"];
                name: "inputsChecksum";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 16];
            }, {
                docs: ["used to check if expected outputs have been claimed"];
                name: "outputsChecksum";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 16];
            }, {
                docs: ["Quantity of outputs to craft"];
                name: "quantity";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The status of this crafting process"];
                name: "status";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the start timestamp"];
                name: "startTime";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the end timestamp"];
                name: "endTime";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Whether or not to deny permission-less claiming. True when > 0"];
                name: "denyPermissionlessClaiming";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["bump for PDA"];
                name: "bump";
                type: "u8";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["This account allows for a crafting \"domain\" which allows an admin to set up", "craftable items, recipes and crafting facilities tied to a domain that the control"];
        name: "domain";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The [`Profile`] that handles the crafting program permissions"];
                name: "profile";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["The definition of a recipe."];
        name: "recipe";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["The Recipe Category"];
                name: "category";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["The time required to craft this Recipe."];
                name: "duration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The minimum time required to craft this Recipe."];
                name: "minDuration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The name of this recipe."];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of consumable inputs in this recipe."];
                name: "consumablesCount";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of non-consumable inputs in this recipe."];
                name: "nonConsumablesCount";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of outputs from this recipe."];
                name: "outputsCount";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of all inputs and outputs in this recipe."];
                name: "totalCount";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["The status of the recipe"];
                name: "status";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["The amount to charge when this recipe is used"];
                name: "feeAmount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["The token account that receives the `fee_amount`. If [`None`] the recipe requires no fees when used."];
                name: "feeRecipient";
                type: {
                    defined: "OptionalNonSystemPubkey";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["A Crafting Recipe Category account"];
        name: "recipeCategory";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The data version of this account."];
                name: "version";
                type: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the domain"];
                name: "domain";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["The number of recipes in this category."];
                name: "recipeCount";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the name of this account"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            kind: "struct";
  • errors: [{
        code: 6000;
        msg: "Incorrect profile address.";
        name: "IncorrectProfileAddress";
    }, {
        code: 6001;
        msg: "The authority is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectAuthority";
    }, {
        code: 6002;
        msg: "Numeric overflow";
        name: "NumericOverflow";
    }, {
        code: 6003;
        msg: "The mint authority should exist.";
        name: "MintAuthorityIsNone";
    }, {
        code: 6004;
        msg: "Admin wallet is not the mint authority of the entered token.";
        name: "AdminNotMintAuthority";
    }, {
        code: 6005;
        msg: "Incorrect mint address entered.";
        name: "IncorrectMintAddress";
    }, {
        code: 6006;
        msg: "The provided location type is not supported.";
        name: "LocationTypeNotSupported";
    }, {
        code: 6007;
        msg: "The location is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectLocation";
    }, {
        code: 6008;
        msg: "The domain is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectDomain";
    }, {
        code: 6009;
        msg: "The recipe is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectRecipe";
    }, {
        code: 6010;
        msg: "The recipe category is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        code: 6011;
        msg: "The crafting facility is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        code: 6012;
        msg: "The crafting facility capacity has been exceeded.";
        name: "OverCraftingFacilityCapacity";
    }, {
        code: 6013;
        msg: "The amount is insufficient.";
        name: "InsufficientAmount";
    }, {
        code: 6014;
        msg: "An amount greater than 0 must be provided.";
        name: "AmountRequired";
    }, {
        code: 6015;
        msg: "The amount is more than what is required.";
        name: "AmountTooMuch";
    }, {
        code: 6016;
        msg: "The input has already been supplied.";
        name: "InputAlreadySupplied";
    }, {
        code: 6017;
        msg: "The input has NOT been supplied.";
        name: "InputNotSupplied";
    }, {
        code: 6018;
        msg: "The output has already been claimed.";
        name: "OutputAlreadyClaimed";
    }, {
        code: 6019;
        msg: "The crafting process has already started.";
        name: "CraftingProcessAlreadyStarted";
    }, {
        code: 6020;
        msg: "The crafting process has not started.";
        name: "CraftingProcessNotStarted";
    }, {
        code: 6021;
        msg: "The crafting process has not completed.";
        name: "CraftingProcessNotCompleted";
    }, {
        code: 6022;
        msg: "The ingredient is not an input.";
        name: "IngredientNotAnInput";
    }, {
        code: 6023;
        msg: "The ingredient is not a consumable input.";
        name: "IngredientNotAConsumableInput";
    }, {
        code: 6024;
        msg: "The ingredient is not a non-consumable input.";
        name: "IngredientNotANonConsumableInput";
    }, {
        code: 6025;
        msg: "The ingredient is not an output.";
        name: "IngredientNotAnOutput";
    }, {
        code: 6026;
        msg: "The inputs checksum is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectInputsChecksum";
    }, {
        code: 6027;
        msg: "The outputs checksum is incorrect.";
        name: "IncorrectOutputsChecksum";
    }, {
        code: 6028;
        msg: "The recipe count is not zero.";
        name: "RecipeCountNotZero";
    }, {
        code: 6029;
        msg: "The recipe category count is not zero.";
        name: "RecipeCategoryCountNotZero";
    }, {
        code: 6030;
        msg: "The concurrent process count is not zero.";
        name: "ConcurrentProcessCountNotZero";
    }, {
        code: 6031;
        msg: "Key index out of bounds.";
        name: "KeyIndexOutOfBounds";
    }, {
        code: 6032;
        msg: "Duration is invalid.";
        name: "InvalidDuration";
    }, {
        code: 6033;
        msg: "Missing required signature.";
        name: "MissingRequiredSignature";
    }, {
        code: 6034;
        msg: "ATA address does not match";
        name: "AddressMismatchATA";
    }, {
        code: 6035;
        msg: "Cannot Update Deactivated Recipe";
        name: "CannotUpdateDeactivatedRecipe";
    }, {
        code: 6036;
        msg: "Invalid Recipe Status";
        name: "InvalidRecipeStatus";
    }, {
        code: 6037;
        msg: "Crafting Facility Efficiency Is Zero";
        name: "EfficiencyIsZero";
    }, {
        code: 6038;
        msg: "Address Mismatch";
        name: "AddressMismatch";
  • instructions: [{
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Mint Account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RecipeIngredients";
        name: "addConsumableInputToRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`RecipeCategory`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "addCraftingFacilityRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Cargo Type Account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RecipeIngredients";
        name: "addNonConsumableInputToRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Craftable Item that the output represents"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RecipeIngredients";
        name: "addOutputToRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["The recipe ingredient token account."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "AddRecipeIngredientInput";
        name: "addRecipeIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the consumable recipe ingredient"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "BurnConsumableIngredientInput";
        name: "burnConsumableIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        args: [];
        name: "cancelCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The owner/authority of crafting_process account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account to receive the non-consumable ingredient."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the recipe ingredient"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "ClaimNonConsumableIngredientInput";
        name: "claimNonConsumableIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The owner/authority of crafting_process account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by `craftable_item`."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The recipe ingredient token account."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The craftable_item (this is also the mint authority)"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "ClaimRecipeOutputInput";
        name: "claimRecipeOutput";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        args: [];
        name: "closeCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The owner/authority for the new crafting_process account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "CreateCraftingProcessInput";
        name: "createCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "deregisterCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] to de-register"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "deregisterRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "deregisterRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funds_to - receives rent refund"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "fundsTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Craftable Item account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [omain account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The craftable item token bank to drain"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["Where to send tokens from the bank"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "drainCraftableItemBank";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "signer";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Profile`] that handles the crafting program permissions"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "namespace";
            type: {
                array: ["u8", 32];
        name: "initializeDomain";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Token] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "LegitimizeRecipeIngredientInput";
        name: "legitimizeRecipeIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the Craftable Item to be registered"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Craftable Item to be registered"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftableItem";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterCraftableItemInput";
        name: "registerCraftableItem";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Location address"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterCraftingFacilityInput";
        name: "registerCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterRecipeInput";
        name: "registerRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RegisterRecipeCategoryInput";
        name: "registerRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        name: "removeConsumableInputFromRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The recipe category to remove."];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategory";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The Solana System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveCraftingFacilityRecipeCategoryInput";
        name: "removeCraftingFacilityRecipeCategory";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        name: "removeNonConsumableInputFromRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The funder - pays for account rent"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "funder";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        }, {
            docs: ["The System program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "systemProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        name: "removeOutputFromRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] authority"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "authority";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account owned by the `crafting_process` which holds the ingredient in escrow"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenFrom";
        }, {
            docs: ["The token account that receives the recipe ingredient."];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenTo";
        }, {
            docs: ["The mint of the recipe ingredient"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "mint";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Token`] program"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "tokenProgram";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "RemoveRecipeIngredientInput";
        name: "removeRecipeIngredient";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The entity calling this instruction, this is the Crafting Facility's location", "Having the location as the signer is an implicit check that this is the correct location"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "location";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingProcess`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingProcess";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`Recipe`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        args: [{
            name: "recipeDurationOverride";
            type: {
                option: "u64";
        name: "startCraftingProcess";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [`CraftingFacility`] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "craftingFacility";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "UpdateCraftingFacilityInput";
        name: "updateCraftingFacility";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The new crafting permissions profile"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "newProfile";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "updateDomain";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] to update"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "UpdateRecipeInput";
        name: "updateRecipe";
    }, {
        accounts: [{
            docs: ["The key authorized for this instruction"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: true;
            name: "key";
        }, {
            docs: ["The crafting permissions [`Profile`]"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "profile";
        }, {
            docs: ["The [Recipe] to update"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipe";
        }, {
            docs: ["The old [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategoryOld";
        }, {
            docs: ["The new [RecipeCategory] account"];
            isMut: true;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "recipeCategoryNew";
        }, {
            docs: ["the [Domain] account"];
            isMut: false;
            isSigner: false;
            name: "domain";
        args: [{
            name: "input";
            type: {
                defined: "KeyIndexInput";
        name: "updateRecipeCategory";
  • name: "crafting"
  • types: [{
        docs: ["Struct for data input to add an ingredient"];
        name: "AddRecipeIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the amount of ingredient to deposit"];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to burn a consumable ingredient"];
        name: "BurnConsumableIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the consumable recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to claim a non-consumable ingredient"];
        name: "ClaimNonConsumableIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to claim an output"];
        name: "ClaimRecipeOutputInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the recipe output"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to create a `CraftingProcess`"];
        name: "CreateCraftingProcessInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["crafting id"];
                name: "craftingId";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe's category"];
                name: "recipeCategoryIndex";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["quantity of outputs to craft"];
                name: "quantity";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Whether or not to deny permission-less claiming. True when > 0"];
                name: "denyPermissionlessClaiming";
                type: "bool";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input for that has `key_index`"];
        name: "KeyIndexInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to legitimize an ingredient"];
        name: "LegitimizeRecipeIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the amount of ingredient to deposit"];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Represents different types of locations that a `CraftingFacility` might be found"];
        name: "LocationType";
        type: {
            kind: "enum";
            variants: [{
                name: "Starbase";
    }, {
        docs: ["A pubkey sized option that is none if set to the system program."];
        name: "OptionalNonSystemPubkey";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                name: "key";
                type: "publicKey";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["The `CraftingProcess` `status`"];
        name: "ProcessStatus";
        type: {
            kind: "enum";
            variants: [{
                name: "Initialized";
            }, {
                name: "Started";
    }, {
        docs: ["A copy of the [`RecipeInputsOutputs`] struct --> to be used as inputs into the program, avoiding using Borsch Serialization with Zero Copy serialization"];
        name: "RecipeIngredients";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["Amount of Input/Output required/produced."];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Mint pubkey of the Input/Output."];
                name: "mint";
                type: "publicKey";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["The [`RecipeInputsOutputs`] struct."];
        name: "RecipeInputsOutputs";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["Amount of Input/Output required/produced."];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["Mint pubkey of the Input/Output."];
                name: "mint";
                type: "publicKey";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Represents the `Recipe` status"];
        name: "RecipeStatus";
        type: {
            kind: "enum";
            variants: [{
                name: "Initializing";
            }, {
                name: "Active";
            }, {
                name: "Deactivated";
    }, {
        docs: ["used as input struct when registering a `CraftableItem`"];
        name: "RegisterCraftableItemInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the `CraftableItem` namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to Register a `CraftingFacility`"];
        name: "RegisterCraftingFacilityInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["`CraftingFacility` location type"];
                name: "locationType";
                type: {
                    defined: "LocationType";
            }, {
                docs: ["`CraftingFacility` efficiency"];
                name: "efficiency";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the max. number of concurrent crafting processes that can be handled by this facility", "if 0 then there is no max"];
                name: "maxConcurrentProcesses";
                type: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input for `RegisterRecipeCategory`"];
        name: "RegisterRecipeCategoryInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the `RecipeCategory` namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["used as input struct when registering a Recipe"];
        name: "RegisterRecipeInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the recipe duration (seconds)"];
                name: "duration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe minimum duration (seconds)"];
                name: "minDuration";
                type: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe namespace"];
                name: "namespace";
                type: {
                    array: ["u8", 32];
            }, {
                docs: ["the recipe fee amount"];
                name: "feeAmount";
                type: {
                    option: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input for removing a [`CraftingFacility`] `RecipeCategory`"];
        name: "RemoveCraftingFacilityRecipeCategoryInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the `RecipeCategory` in the [`CraftingFacility`]"];
                name: "recipeCategoryIndex";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to remove an ingredient"];
        name: "RemoveRecipeIngredientInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the amount of ingredient to withdraw/remove"];
                name: "amount";
                type: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["used as input struct when removing recipe ingredients"];
        name: "RemoveRecipeIngredients";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the recipe ingredient"];
                name: "ingredientIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to Update `CraftingFacility`"];
        name: "UpdateCraftingFacilityInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["`CraftingFacility` efficiency"];
                name: "efficiency";
                type: {
                    option: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the max. number of concurrent crafting processes that can be handled by this facility", "if 0 then there is no max"];
                name: "maxConcurrentProcesses";
                type: {
                    option: "u32";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Struct for data input to Update `Recipe`"];
        name: "UpdateRecipeInput";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["`Recipe` duration"];
                name: "duration";
                type: {
                    option: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["`Recipe` minimum duration"];
                name: "minDuration";
                type: {
                    option: "i64";
            }, {
                docs: ["`Recipe` fee amount"];
                name: "feeAmount";
                type: {
                    option: "u64";
            }, {
                docs: ["`Recipe` status"];
                name: "status";
                type: {
                    option: "u8";
            }, {
                docs: ["the index of the key in the crafting permissions profile"];
                name: "keyIndex";
                type: "u16";
            kind: "struct";
    }, {
        docs: ["Wrapped recipe category", "We are wrapping this around Pubkey so that we can use Anchor's coder to decode it"];
        name: "WrappedRecipeCategory";
        type: {
            fields: [{
                docs: ["The recipe category public key"];
                name: "id";
                type: "publicKey";
            kind: "struct";
  • version: "0.1.0"

Generated using TypeDoc