Function setFeePayerRates

  • Updates a Fee Payer's Values


    • program: AtlasFeePayerIDLProgram

      atlas fee payer program

    • feePayerRates: PublicKey

      the fee payer

    • owningProfile: PublicKey

      profile that owns the fee payer

    • owningKey: AsyncSigner<unknown>

      the key with proper permissions

    • setFeePayerData: {
          conversionRate?: any;
          owningProfile?: PublicKey;
          tokenLimit?: any;
          tokenOwner?: PublicKey;

      the new fee payer data

      • Optional conversionRate?: any

        the conversion rate to use. Math is to multiply lamports * conversion_rate / 1_000_000_000 = sub_tokens

      • Optional owningProfile?: PublicKey

        profile that owns the fee payer

      • Optional tokenLimit?: any

        the max number of sub tokens per interaction

      • Optional tokenOwner?: PublicKey
    • keyInput: ProfileKeyInput<FeePayerPermissions, AsyncSigner<unknown>>

      key permitted to sign the instruction bundled with the profile that holds permissions and the key's index in the profile

    Returns InstructionReturn


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