Function postTransaction

  • Settles the fee payment. Should be the last instruction in the transaction.


    • program: AtlasFeePayerIDLProgram

      atlas fee payer program

    • vaultProgram: ProfileVaultIDLProgram

      the profile vault program

    • feePayer: PublicKey

      the fee payer

    • rates: PublicKey

      the fee payer's rates account

    • paymentAccount: {
          remoteSign: PublicKey;
      } | {
          localSign: AsyncSigner<unknown>;

      the payment account for the fee payer

    • tokenVault: PublicKey

      the token vault for the fee payer

    • keyInput: ProfileKeyInput<VaultPermissions, AsyncSigner<unknown>>

      key permitted to sign the instruction bundled with the profile that holds permissions and the key's index in the profile

    • funderVaultAuthority: PublicKey

      the funder's vault authority

    • funderVault: PublicKey

      the funder's vault

    Returns InstructionReturn


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